Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Motivation Theory X - 4097 Words

Motivation Theory X Foundation of todays organizations. These theories go back to the turn of the century and in some cases are considered by the uninformed to be simply fads which come and go. As I have discovered, these theories are rather the steps on a ladder which continually takes us higher and higher. Douglas McGregor in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise published in 1960 has examined theories on behavior of individuals at work, and he has formulated two models which he calls Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X Assumptions The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. Because of their dislike for work, most people must be controlled and threatened before they will work hard enough. The†¦show more content†¦Self directed work teams have also become one of the more changing approaches to employee involvement, and has been increasing in popularity within the last several years. Companies such as Proctor Gamble, Digital Equipmen t, General Mills, Federal Express and other well known companies, are reorganizing their employees into self directed work teams. In a recent survey, 476 Fortune 500 companies found that although only 7% of the work force is organized into self directed work teams, management at half of these companies said that they will be relying on them more in years ahead. (Cotton, 1993). Establishing Self-Directed Work Teams. There are nine basic steps in establishing self-directed work teams:  · Developing a shared vision,  · Empowerment  · Training  · Presence of a supportive culture  · Developing performance expectations and feedback  · Establishing boundaries  · Developing an appropriate pay system  · Constructing the appropriate physical layout of facilities (where applicable)  · Developing friendly union interaction. (Berger, 1998),(Cotton, 1993). The benefits I have witness at this company from utilizing these theory Y employee empowerment methods are increased morale from a more satisfying and effective workplace. More personal pride in the quality of the product we have at Harbinger. Although there are some noted disadvantages to self directed teams such as some team members unwillingness to change theirShow MoreRelatedMotivation Theory X And Theory1859 Words   |  8 PagesMotivation Theory X Motivation Theory X Foundation of today s organizations. These theories go back to the turn of the century and in some cases are considered by the uninformed to be simply fads which come and go. As I have discovered, these theories are rather the steps on a ladder which continually takes us higher and higher. 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(McGregor, 1960) Theory X: According to Theory X, Managers assumeRead MoreThe Human Side Of Enterprise974 Words   |  4 Pagesconceives and examines two theories of behaviors in the workplace. They are known as Theory X and Theory Y. These distinct theories describe how individuals generally behave at work and how different types of managers might govern their employees. They have been used over the years to help managers to understand their employees’ needs, behavior and how to better manage their staff. These theories can be analyzed and broken down into three of many sub-topics: Motivation, Leadership Style and ConflictRead MoreTheory X and Y1382 Words   |  6 Pagesdouglas mcgregor - theory x y Douglas McGregor s XY Theory, managing an X Theory boss, and William Ouchi s Theory Z Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book The Human Side Of Enterprise . 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Monday, December 16, 2019

A Dirty Job Chapter 4 Free Essays

string(90) " he was dripping with boyish charm, when it was, in fact, simply because he was dripping\." 4 THE BETA MALE IN HIS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Jane,† said Charlie, â€Å"I am convinced by the events of the last few weeks that nefarious forces or people – unidentified but no less real – are threatening life as we know it, and in fact, may be bent on unraveling the very fabric of our existence.† â€Å"And that’s why I have to eat yellow mustard?† Jane was sitting at Charlie’s breakfast counter eating Little Smokies cocktail sausages out of the package, dipping them in a ramekin of French’s yellow. Baby Sophie was sitting on the counter in her car-seat/bassinet/imperial-storm-trooper-helmet thingy. We will write a custom essay sample on A Dirty Job Chapter 4 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Charlie paced the kitchen, marking off his evidentiary points in the air with a sausage as he went. â€Å"First, there was the guy in Rachel’s room that mysteriously disappeared from the security tapes.† â€Å"Because he was never there. Look, Sophie likes yellow mustard like you.† â€Å"Second,† Charlie continued, despite his sister’s persistent indifference, â€Å"all the stuff in the shop was glowing like it was radioactive. Don’t put that in her mouth.† â€Å"Oh my God, Charlie, Sophie’s straight. Look at her go after that Lil’ Smokie.† â€Å"And third, that Creek guy, got hit by a bus up on Columbus yesterday, I knew his name and he had an umbrella that was glowing red.† â€Å"I’m so disappointed,† said Jane. â€Å"I was looking forward to raising her on the all-girls team – giving her the advantages I never had, but look at her work that sausage. This kid is a natural.† â€Å"Get that out of her mouth!† â€Å"Relax, she can’t eat it. She doesn’t even have teeth. And it’s not like there’s a moaning Teletubby on the other end of it. Oh, jeez, it’s going to take major tequila to get that picture out of my head.† â€Å"She can’t have pork, Jane. She’s Jewish! Are you trying to turn my daughter into a shiksa?† Jane snatched the cocktail sausage out of Sophie’s mouth, and examined it, even as the fiber-optic strand of drool stayed connected to the tiny kid. â€Å"I don’t think I can eat these things ever again,† Jane said. â€Å"They’ll always conjure visions of my niece blowing a terry-cloth puppet person.† â€Å"Jane!† Charlie grabbed the sausage from her and flung it into the sink. â€Å"What?!† â€Å"Are you listening at all?† â€Å"Yes, yes, you saw some guy get hit by a bus so your fabric is unraveling. So?† â€Å"So, someone is fucking with me?† â€Å"And why is that news, Charlie? You’ve thought someone was fucking with you since you were eight.† â€Å"They have been. Probably. But this time it’s real. It could be real.† â€Å"Hey, these are all-beef Lil’ Smokies. Sophie’s not a shikster after all.† â€Å"Shiksa!† â€Å"Whatever.† â€Å"Jane, you’re not helping with my problem.† â€Å"What problem? You have a problem?† Charlie’s problem was that the trailing edge of his Beta Male imagination was digging at him like bamboo splinters under the fingernails. While Alpha Males are often gifted with superior physical attributes – size, strength, speed, good looks – selected by evolution over the eons by the strongest surviving and, essentially, getting all the girls, the Beta Male gene has survived not by meeting and overcoming adversity, but by anticipating and avoiding it. That is, when the Alpha Males were out charging after mastodons, the Beta Males could imagine in advance that attacking what was essentially an angry, woolly bulldozer with a pointy stick might be a losing proposition, so they hung back at camp to console the grieving widows. When Alpha Males set out to conquer neighboring tribes, to count coups and take heads, Beta Males could see in advance that in the event of a victory, the influx of female slaves was going to leave a surplus of mateless women cast out for yo unger trophy models, with nothing to do but salt down the heads and file the uncounted coups, and some would find solace in the arms of any Beta Male smart enough to survive. In the case of defeat, well, there was that widows thing again. The Beta Male is seldom the strongest or the fastest, but because he can anticipate danger, he far outnumbers his Alpha Male competition. The world is led by Alpha Males, but the machinery of the world turns on the bearings of the Beta Male. The problem (Charlie’s problem) is that the Beta Male imagination has become superfluous in the face of modern society. Like the saber-toothed tiger’s fangs, or the Alpha Male’s testosterone, there’s just more Beta Male imagination than can really be put to good use. Consequently, a lot of Beta Males become hypochondriacs, neurotics, paranoids, or develop an addiction to porn or video games. Because, while the Beta Male imagination evolved to help him avoid danger, as a side effect it also allows him fantasy-only access to power, money, and leggy, model-type females who, in reality, wouldn’t kick him in the kidneys to get a bug off their shoe. The rich fantasy life of the Beta Male may often spill over into reality, manifesting in near-genius levels of self-delusion. In fact, many Beta Males, contrary to any empirical evidence, actually believe that they are Alpha Males, and have been endowed by their creator with advanced stealth charisma, which, although awesome in concept, is totally undetectable by women not constructed from carbon fiber. Every time a supermodel divorces her rock-star husband, the Beta Male secretly rejoices (or more accurately, feels great waves of unjustified hope), and every time a beautiful movie star marries, the Beta Male experiences a sense of lost opportunity. The entire city of Las Vegas – plastic opulence, treasure for the tak ing, vulgar towers, and cocktail waitresses with improbable breasts – is built on the self-delusion of the Beta Male. And Beta Male self-delusion played no small part in Charlie first approaching Rachel, that rainy day in February, five years before, when he had ducked into A Clean, Well-Lighted Place for Books to get out of the storm, and Rachel granted him a shy smile over a stack of Carson McCullers she was shelving. He quickly convinced himself that it was because he was dripping with boyish charm, when it was, in fact, simply because he was dripping. You read "A Dirty Job Chapter 4" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"You’re dripping,† she said. She had blue eyes, fair skin, and dark loose curls that fell around her face. She gave him a sideways glance – just enough consideration to spur his Beta Male ego. â€Å"Yeah, thanks,† Charlie said, taking a step closer. â€Å"Can I get you a towel or something?† â€Å"Nah, I’m used to it.† â€Å"You’re dripping on Cormac McCarthy.† â€Å"Sorry.† Charlie wiped All the Pretty Horses with his sleeve while he tried to see if she had a nice figure under the floppy sweater and cargo pants. â€Å"Do you come here often?† Rachel took a second before responding. She was wearing a name tag, working inventory from a metal cart, and she was pretty sure she’d seen this guy in the store before. So he wasn’t being stupid, he was being clever. Sort of. She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Charlie shrugged damply and smiled. â€Å"I’m Charlie Asher.† â€Å"Rachel,† Rachel said. They shook hands. â€Å"Rachel, would you like to get a cup of coffee or something sometime?† â€Å"That sort of depends, Charlie. I’d need you to answer a few questions first.† â€Å"Of course,† Charlie said. â€Å"If you don’t mind, I have some questions, too.† He was thinking, What do you look like naked? and How long before I can check? â€Å"Fine, then.† Rachel put down The Ballad of the Sad Caf and counted on her fingers. â€Å"Do you have a job, a car, and a place to live? And are the last two things the same thing?† She was twenty-five and had been single for a while. She’d learned to screen her applicants. â€Å"Uh, yes, yes, yes, and no.† â€Å"Excellent. Are you gay?† She’d been single for a while in San Francisco. â€Å"I asked you out.† â€Å"That means nothing. I’ve had guys not realize they were gay until we’d gone out a few times. Turns out that’s my specialty.† â€Å"Wow, you’re kidding.† He looked her up and down and decided that she probably had a great figure under the baggy clothes. â€Å"I could see it going the other way, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Right answer. Okay, I’ll have coffee with you.† â€Å"Not so fast, what about my questions?† Rachel threw out a hip and rolled her eyes, sighed. â€Å"Okay, shoot.† â€Å"I don’t really have any, I just didn’t want you to think I was easy.† â€Å"You asked me out thirty seconds after we met.† â€Å"Can you blame me? There you were, eyes and teeth – hair, dry, holding good books – â€Å" â€Å"Ask me!† â€Å"Do you think that there’s any chance, you know, after we get to know each other, that you’ll like me? I mean, can you see it happening?† It didn’t matter that he was pushing it – whether he was sly or just awkward, she was defenseless against his Beta Male charm sans charisma, and she had her answer. â€Å"Not a chance,† she lied. â€Å"I miss her,† Charlie said, and he looked away from his sister as if there was something in the sink that really, really needed studying. His shoulders shook with a sob and Jane went to him and held him as he slumped to his knees. â€Å"I really miss her.† â€Å"I know you do.† â€Å"I hate this kitchen.† â€Å"Right there with you, kid.† The good sister, she was. â€Å"I see this kitchen and I see her face and I can’t handle it.† â€Å"Yes, you can. You will. It will get better.† â€Å"Maybe I should move or something.† â€Å"You do what you think you need to, but pain travels pretty well.† Jane rubbed his shoulders and his neck, as if his grief was a knot in a muscle that could be worked out under direct pressure. After a few minutes he was back, functioning, sitting at the counter between Sophie and Jane, drinking a cup of coffee. â€Å"You think I’m just imagining all this, then?† Jane sighed. â€Å"Charlie, Rachel was the center of your universe. Anyone who saw you guys together knew that. Your life revolved around her. With Rachel gone, it’s like you have no center, nothing to ground you, you’re all wobbly and unstable, so things seem unreal. But you do have a center.† â€Å"I do?† â€Å"It’s you. I don’t have a Rachel, or anyone like her on the horizon, but I’m not spinning out of control.† â€Å"So you’re saying I need to be self-centered, like you?† â€Å"I guess I am. Do you think that makes me a bad person?† â€Å"Do you care?† â€Å"Good point. Are you going to be okay? I need to go buy some yoga DVDs. I’m starting a class tomorrow.† â€Å"If you’re going to take a class, then why do you need DVDs?† â€Å"I have to look like I know what I’m doing or no one will go out with me. You going to be okay?† â€Å"I’ll be okay. I just can’t go in the kitchen, or look at anything in the apartment, or listen to music, or watch TV.† â€Å"Okay then, have fun,† Jane said, tweaking the baby’s nose on the way out the door. When she was gone, Charlie sat at the counter for a while looking at baby Sophie. Strangely enough, she was the only thing in the apartment that didn’t remind him of Rachel. She was a stranger. She looked at him – those wide blue eyes – with sort of an odd, glazed look. Not with the adoration or wonder that you might expect, more like she’d been drinking and would be leaving as soon as she found her car keys. â€Å"Sorry,† Charlie said, averting his gaze to a stack of unpaid bills by the phone. He could feel the kid watching him, wondering, he thought, how many terry-cloth puppet people she’d have to blow to get a decent father over here. Still, he checked that she was securely strapped in her chair, then went off to grab the undone laundry, because he was, in fact, going to be a very good father. Beta Males almost always make good fathers. They tend to be steady and responsible, the kind of guys a girl (if she was resolved to do without the seven-figure salary or the thirty-six-inch vertical leap) would want as a father for her children. Of course, she’d rather not have to sleep with him for that to happen, but after you’ve been kicked to the curb by a few Alpha Males, the idea of waking up in the arms of a guy who will adore you, if for no other reason than gratitude for sex, and will always be there, even past the point where you can stand to have him around, is a comfortable compromise. For the Beta Male, if nothing else, is loyal. He makes a great husband as well as a great best friend. He will help you move and bring you soup when you are sick. Always considerate, the Beta Male thanks a woman after sex, and is often quick with an apology as well. He makes a great house sitter, especially if you aren’t especially attached to your house pets. A Beta Male is trustworthy: your girlfriend is generally in safe hands with a Beta Male friend, unless, of course, she is a complete slut. (In fact, the complete slut through history may be exclusively responsible for the survival of the Beta Male gene, for loyal as he may be, the Beta Male is helpless in the face of charging, unimaginary bosoms.) And while the Beta Male has the potential to be a great husband and father, the skills still need to be learned. So, for the next few weeks, Charlie did little but care for the tiny stranger in his house. She was an alien, really – a sort of eating, pooping, tantrum machine – and he didn’t understand anything about her species. But as he tended to her, talked to her, lost a lot of sleep over her, bathed her, watched her nap, and admonished her for the disgusting substances that oozed and urped out of her, he started to fall in love. One morning, after a particularly active night of the feed-and-change parade, he awoke to find her staring goofily at the mobile over her crib, and when she saw him, she smiled. That did it. Like her mother before her, she set the course of his life with a smile. And as it had with Rachel, that wet morning in the bookstore, his soul lit up. The weirdness, the bizarre circumstances of Rachel’s death, the red glowing items in the shop, the dark, winged thing above the street, all of it took a backseat to the new light of his life. He didn’t understand that she loved him unconditionally – so when he got up in the middle of the night to feed her, he put on a shirt and combed his hair and tested to see that his breath was free of funk. Within minutes of getting poleaxed with affection for his daughter, he started to develop a deep fear for her safety, which, over the course of a few days, blossomed into a whole new garden of paranoia. â€Å"It looks like Nerf world in here,† Jane said, one afternoon when she brought in the bills from the store and the checks for Charlie to sign. Charlie had padded every sharp corner or edge in the apartment with foam rubber and duct tape, put plastic covers on all of the electrical outlets, childproofed locks on all cabinets, installed new smoke, carbon monoxide, and radon detectors, and activated the V?CChip on the TV so that now he was incapable of watching anything that didn’t feature baby animals or learning the alphabet. â€Å"Accidents are the number one cause of death among children in America,† Charlie said. â€Å"But she can’t even roll over on her stomach yet.† â€Å"I want to be ready. Everything I read says that one day you’re breast-feeding them and the next day you wake up and they’re dropping out of college.† He was changing the baby on the coffee table and had used ten baby wipes so far, if Jane had the count right. â€Å"I think that might be a metaphor. You know, for how fast they grow up.† â€Å"Well, it’s done when she’s ready to crawl.† â€Å"Why don’t you just make a big foam-rubber suit for her, it’s easier than padding the world. Charlie, it’s scary-looking in here. You can’t bring a woman here, she’d think you’re nuts.† Charlie looked at his sister for a long second without saying anything, just frozen there, holding a disposable diaper in one hand and his daughter’s ankles scissored between the fingers of the other. â€Å"When you’re ready,† Jane stumbled on. â€Å"I mean, I’m not saying that you’d bring a woman here.† â€Å"Okay, because I’m not.† â€Å"Of course not. I’m not saying that. But you have to leave the apartment. For one thing, you need to go downstairs to the store. Ray has turned the point-of-sale computer into some kind of dating service and the truant officer has stopped by three times looking for Lily. And I can’t keep doing the accounts and trying to run things and do my job, too, Charlie. Dad left you the business for a reason.† â€Å"But there’s no one to watch Sophie.† â€Å"You have Mrs. Korjev and Mrs. Ling right here in the building, let one of them watch her. Hell, I’ll watch her for a few hours in the evening, if that will help.† â€Å"I’m not going down there in the evening. That’s when things are radioactive.† Jane set the stack of papers on the coffee table next to Sophie’s head and backed away with her arms crossed. â€Å"Play what you just said back in your head, would you.† Charlie did, then shrugged. â€Å"Okay, that sounds a little crazy.† â€Å"Go make an appearance at the shop, Charlie. Just a few minutes to get your feet wet and put the fear of God in Ray and Lily, okay? I’ll finish changing her.† Jane slid in between the couch and the coffee table, nudging her brother out of the way. In the process she knocked the dirty diaper to the floor, where it fell open. â€Å"Oh my God!† She gagged and turned her head. â€Å"Another reason not to eat brown mustard, huh?† Charlie said. â€Å"You bastard!† He backed away. â€Å"Okay, I’m going downstairs. You’re sure you got this?† â€Å"Go!† Jane said, waving him out of the room with one hand while holding her nose with the other. How to cite A Dirty Job Chapter 4, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Jewish persecution Essay Example For Students

Jewish persecution Essay Jewish PersecutionThe Jewish Persecution began during 1933. The Jews were faced with the terrorist group called the National Socialist German Workers party (Nazi) hate this happened when Hitler came into power. He devised labor camps where he would send individuals who opposed his ideas, and Jews. The conditions in these camps were so bad that it is hard to describe them. The prisoners were treated very badly. In this time, the Nazi government continued to deprive Jews of their rights and possessions. In 1938 Jewish homes and schools are looted or destroyed. Jews could not sit on park benches or swim in public pools. The government seized Jewish businesses as well as personal property. Jews were beaten, more than 90 are killed, and 30,000 Jewish people were sent to concentration camps. They beat Jews in the streets and attacked them in their homes. Jews had to sell their businesses and other property to the government at unnaturally low prices. The night became known as Kristallnacht, a German word meaning Crystal Night.In 1939, 300,000 Jews had been eliminated from the German community. Millions more Jews came under German control. Jews in Poland are forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their chests or a blue-and-white Star of David armband. By the end of the war, the Nazis had killed about 6 million Jewish men, women, and children thats more than two-thirds of the Jews in Europe. Many of the Holocaust victims were killed in specially constructed gas chambers, and their bodi es were then burned. The Nazis also moved many Jews from towns and villages into city ghettos. During 1942-1943 German government officials discuss the Final Solution, their plan to kill all Jews in Europe. This policy called for the murder of every Jewish man, woman, and child under German rule. Jews are deported from Nazi-occupied countries throughout Europe to ghettos, concentration camps and killing centers in Poland. In the early 1940s, several new camps were established, with specially constructed gas chambers disguised as showers. The Nazis herded the Jews into railroad freight cars to be taken to the camps. As many as 2,000 prisoners were sent into the gas chambers at one time. The guards shaved the heads of the corpses and removed any gold teeth from their mouths. Then they burned the bodies in crematoriums or open pits. The well prisoners had their heads shaved and their belongings detained. Camp personnel tattooed a number on the arm of each person. From then on, the prisoners were identified by number instead of by name. There were six death camps, all in German-oc cupied Poland, Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. Auschwitz was the largest and most dishonorable. It was a slave labor camp as well as a killing center. In the fall of 1943, Allied leaders declared their determination to bring the Nazi leaders to justice for their wartime behavior. In May 1948, the state of Israel officially came into existence and opened its borders to receive the Jews.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Women in Prison an Example by

Women in Prison The rate of convicted women has rapidly increased since 1980 ("Fact sheet: Women in Prison", 2006). Forgery and illegal use of credit are the two most common crimes ("Women in Prison"). There are also cases of theft and handling of stolen goods (Tchaikovsky, 2007). On the other hand, self-defense has been the main reason why women commit violent crimes such as killing their partners ("Women in Prison"). Need essay sample on "Women in Prison" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Inside prison, some committed suicide while others suffer from mental illnesses. There are also reported cases of sexual assault like rape among women by guards and staffs. According to the Bureau of Justice (2006), 47% are abused in state prisons and 39% sexually abused. There are also cases of HIV/AIDS infection which is greater in women than men with 3.6% and 2% in 2000 respectively ("Fact sheet: Women in Prison", 2006). Among these women, majority are African-American and suffering from longer terms than whites ("Women in Prison"). There are many considerable effects of imprisonment among women such as lost of communication with their family; children are left behind, and inmates suffering from mental illnesses and sexual abuse. These are just some of the issues that the government should act upon. In addressing these issues, projects and campaigns are established. Women in Prison Project, established in 1991, is one of the successful implementing bodies which protect women and their families. The Project conducts public education, manages a training program form former inmates, and coordinates with other organizations as well. The Project aims on helping inmates maintain their communication with their families, monitor the issues and problems of women, and help them to be a productive citizen of the society. The project has accomplished publishing a report about the issues faced by women, distributing a manual that analyzes the results of imprisonment of women and is planning to develop more programs as well ("Women in Prison Project", 2007). WORKS CITED Fact sheet: Women in Prison. (2006). Tchaikovsky, C. (2007). Women in Prison.Women in Prison. Women in Prison Project. (2007). Women in prison an Example by Women in prison Crime does not pay. Those who commit crimes must suffer or endure the consequences of their actions. For every wrong act, there should be a corresponding corrective method. This is supposedly the purpose of correctional facilities. The criminal justice system is supposed to assist those who have done wrong to become better citizens and people. At the same time, the said system is meant to show repeat offenders that they cannot simply get away with it. Sadly though, correctional facilities have failed to live up to their purpose. Instead of helping the inmates become better, they have only served as housing for those who have committed crime, no matter how grave or petty. Need essay sample on "Women in prison" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed There is a need to revamp the criminal justice system and correction system most especially with their treatment of women. Today, the prison population of women has grown drastically. Women are the fastest growing segment of prisoners. In California alone, the number of women who are housed in correctional facilities has grown by 850% between 1980 and 1999. (Ogden, 61) This means that their needs cannot be ignored any longer. The most important change that must be made is to remove the prison-industrial complex. This is a system wherein prisons are not merely facilities devoted to correctional causes or purposes. Instead, prisons are used as a source of cheap labor. The prisoners serve as laborers and commercial establishments take advantage of prisoners because it will greatly lower their production costs. This is truly a sad state of correctional facilities in the country. Prisoners become raw materials as companies who build the facilities generate more profit as more prisoners are sent to jail. (Ogden, 63) Even the government is part of this system since the more people they send to jail, the more facilities they need to build. In turn, this creates more jobs. (Smith) The prison-industrial complex defeats the primary purpose of the prison. Instead of providing inmates with opportunities to grow, improve themselves, and realize and learn from their mistakes, this system plunges them to what seems like modern day slavery. (Smith, 106) Women in prisons today are mostly underprivileged. Most of them are either African-Americans or Native Americans. White women make up only a small portion of their population. Moreover, most women in prison come from the lower socio-economic classes. Such statistics point to the prevailing fact that the prison system is greatly biased against those from lower classes. Intersectionality, which refers to the combination of two or more forms of discrimination greatly affects women in the prison system. Since women of color make up majority of women inmates, they experience harsher treatment because of two primary factors, their color or race and their gender. Discrimination based on color combined with discrimination based on gender makes prison life all the more harder for women. For instance, Ogden wrote of how she all her earning from working while in prison was not enough to pay for her necessities as a woman such as those she needs for personal care. Pregnant inmates also are not given the proper care and attention as what Smith wrote. This is because prisons are primarily male-centered institutions. This means that the prison facilities cater to men only. Prison guards are mostly male even in facilities that are meant for women. This increases the chance of abuse and harassment for the inmates. Due to the increasing number of women being sent to prison, there is a need to build facilities that better suit the needs of women inmates. Personal care supplies should be made available to inmates for these are necessities not mere luxuries. Also, the guards of such facilities must be women. This will lessen the risk of sexual abuse and harassment for the inmates. For pregnant women, proper care should be provided. In general, women in prisons should be treated as human beings. They should be provided with sufficient access to their necessities. Some may say that prisoners should not be provided special treatment. Some may even suggest that they should be made to suffer the consequences of their actions. However, this is not the point of correctional facilities. Punishment and suffering cannot and will not help inmates improve themselves. Instead of punishing them with a hard life, correctional facilities should focus on giving inmates the chance to realize their mistakes and learn from them. Another important point to make is that most inmates come from impoverished families. Poverty is often the reason why most of them are led to a life of crime. Most of those who are in prison turned to drugs because of poverty. As Ogden (62) wrote, The majority are in prison for economic and drug-related crimes. With such being the case, correctional facilities should focus on providing inmates with vocational and technical training. Such training will equip them with necessary skills that will allow them to move up in the socio-economic ladder. Having such skills will prevent them from turning to crime again since they finally will be given a chance to overcome poverty after they leave the walls of prison. Finally, the criminal justice system should review the law on mandatory minimum sentence. This regulation requires that people committed for certain crimes must receive a prison sentence. This law requires reconsideration because some sentences are unnecessary. These recommendations may not be agreeable with some people. However, when considering the problems that the women in correctional facilities face, these recommendations will greatly alleviate their suffering with the criminal justice system. Work Cited Ogden, Stormy. The Prison-Industrial Complex in Indigenous California. In Global Lockdown: Race, Gender, and the Prison-Industrial Complex. Julia Sudbury, Julia Chinyere Oparah. Routledge, 2005. pp 57-65. Smith, Kemba. Modern Day Slavery: Inside the Prison-Industrial Complex. In Global Lockdown: Race, Gender, and the Prison-Industrial Complex. Julia Sudbury, Julia Chinyere Oparah. Routledge, 2005. pp 105-107.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Theses as to what drives women to partake in crime

Theses as to what drives women to partake in crime The society, in which we live, is composed of many rules and values. Gender roles are no exception. These so-called 'roles' have been in existence throughout the centuries. As children, we are taught what is appropriate conduct for boys and girls. Boys are taught to be aggressive and masculine, while girls are taught to be passive and feminine. From day one, women are taught to conform to such feminine expectations. Although men provide more of a menace to society, women are instructed how to behave.A good woman is to be a wife and a mother. The majority of women accept theses prescribed roles in life; however, there are some that refuse to conform. As women become more liberated in the modern day world, and more involved in full time jobs, the chances of them getting involved in types of crimes for which their jobs provide them with, increase. Some occupations such as bank managers, stock brokers, etc.Criminal Activityprovide greater opportunities for criminal activities.As women ga in liberation and assume traditional male roles in society, they begin to assert themselves in male ways such as acting aggressively, being pushy and hardheaded. More and more women rebel against social inferiority and, aggressively pursue masculine goals of success and power. They learn to use crime as a short-cut to success. Economic pressures combined with increasing numbers of female headed households, lead women to seek benefits of criminal activity as alternatives to hard work.Today women are more likely to become partners and entrepreneurs in crime than in the past. Traditionally women played subservient roles in the crime scene. They worked under the direction of men such as pimps, for example. Mostly their job was to entice victims, keep look-out, carry loot and provide cover. Women's participation in white collar crime like fraud,

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Types of Awkward Wording to Avoid

5 Types of Awkward Wording to Avoid 5 Types of Awkward Wording to Avoid 5 Types of Awkward Wording to Avoid By Mark Nichol The following five sentences demonstrate various ways a carelessly worded or constructed sentence can fail to communicate the intended idea. A discussion and a revision follows each example. 1. There is a danger of overreaction and a rush to implement poorly thought through laws and regulations. Because the phrase â€Å"thought through† modifies â€Å"laws and regulations,† it should be hyphenated, but that phrasal adjective is awkward, partly because it’s difficult to say and especially because of the similarity of appearance of the constituent words. In such cases, seek one or more words that convey the same idea: â€Å"There is a danger of overreaction and a rush to implement poorly conceived laws and regulations.† 2. The consultant submitted a compliance risk mitigation plan. A string of nouns used as adjectives to modify another noun is grammatically correct (when properly hyphenated, which this example is not) but cumbersome. When more than two or three adjectives appear together like this, unpack the sentence and start over again, beginning with the target noun and using prepositions between the adjectives to relax the statement: â€Å"The consultant submitted a plan to mitigate compliance risk.† 3. That person is the chief ombudsman, which we use here to refer to the department’s director. The dependent clause implies that what is â€Å"used† here is the person, rather than the phrase used to designate that person. The sentence must be revised to clarify that here, â€Å"chief ombudsman† is a description of a person, not the person himself or herself: â€Å"That person is the chief ombudsman, the designation we use here to refer to the department’s director.† 4. We understand that all organizations are unique and can help you with your specific challenges. As constructed, this sentence erroneously suggests that all organizations are unique and that all organizations can help you with your specific challenges. The intended meaning, however, is that the company represented by the writer understands that all organizations are unique; in addition, the company can help the targeted reader with specific challenges. To clarify this distinction, the sentence must be divided into two independent clauses, each of which addresses one of the two distinct points: â€Å"We understand that all organizations are unique, and we can help you with your specific challenges.† 5. While reacting to unexpected surprises and being able to put out fires are essential at times, these capabilities are not sufficient for managing a company in a volatile market. In conversational writing, though and while are interchangeable as conjunctions, but it is best to reserve each word to mean â€Å"despite the fact that,† and â€Å"during the time that† respectively; otherwise, readers might misread the beginning of a sentence or phrase starting with while, thinking that the statement pertains to simultaneous events (â€Å"While [someone was] reacting to [something, something else occurred]†): â€Å"Though reacting to unexpected surprises and being able to put out fires are essential at times, these capabilities are not sufficient for managing a company in a volatile market.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know50 Idioms About Fruits and VegetablesWhile vs. Whilst

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nonverbal behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nonverbal behavior - Essay Example According to the taxonomy of different types of touching, Heslin and Alper (1983) have provided individuals with explanations as to what touch behavior entails. Based on the taxonomy, the messages communicated carry different meanings, which extend from less personal touch to touch that is more personal (Knapp and Horgan 238). In this case, I will emphasize on the warmth/friendship type of touch behavior. From my experience with this type of touch behavior, I have understand the need to extend my closeness to other people. Nonetheless, other people may misunderstand this type of touch behavior increasing discomfort. Understanding the different kinds of touch behavior has the potential of boosting an individual’s knowledge to interpret the messages portrayed. The taxonomy by Heslin and Alper (1983) explains how touch behavior is understood based on personal interactions. For instance, as Arabs living in the U.S., we practice our own unique touch behavior. When we meet with our colleagues, we fancy handshakes and chest kissing. On the contrary, non-Arabs misunderstand this practice by considering it as inappropriate and aggressive when practiced towards them. Furthermore, it may indicate intimate relationship, which is annoying for the Arabs. In my case, I have started feeling uncomfortable with this practice, as I do not want my non-Arab colleagues to misunderstand me based on the relationship I have developed with people of my

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Demonstrative Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Demonstrative Communication - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of communication as a form of interaction through which individuals send and receive messages amongst themselves and there must be a sender and a receiver for it to take place. Over the past centuries, humans have come up with other ways to communicate through not only written text and spoken words but symbols, colors and body language among others. One form of communication is demonstrative communication, which mainly involves nonverbal and unwritten communication such as tone of voice, facial expression, and body language among others. Krueger posits that nonverbal communication is communicating without words but through various channels. Mostly, nonverbal communication is associated with body language, but the truth is, it also involves facial movements and vocal feature. In most cases, individuals tend to communicate non-verbally through body language and facial expressions. For instance, some people perceive yawning or stretching arms as a sign of tiredness. Demonstrative communication involves non-verbal and unwritten communications and facial expressions are the most popular among all forms of nonverbal communication. Facial expressions and body movements enable individuals to successfully communicate with those around them. Sometimes, demonstrative communication reinforces verbal communication in that, dressing appropriately tells a lot about the speaker especially during a presentation.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of youth justice policies in England and Wales since 1997 Essay Example for Free

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of youth justice policies in England and Wales since 1997 Essay Introduction When Labour took office in 1997 they claimed that they would be tough on crime and the causes of crime. The first 6 months were unprecedented, with six consultation documents being released on youth and crime each containing its own proposals these were first published in Tackling Youth Crime, Reforming Youth Justice (Labour 1996). To start this essay I will first discuss Labours 1997 White Paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales, where policy was laid out and then later legislated in The Crime and Disorder Act 1998. From this I will evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of the various elements of this policy which will include the aims of the youth justice system. Then in the second part move to evaluate the abolition of the doli incapax, the reparation order and parenting order. Thirdly I will evaluate the child safety order, local child curfew, final warning scheme, action plan order. The fourth part will be an evaluation of the detention and training order and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. And finally the establishment of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, Youth Offending Teams and the duties of the local authorities and other agencies to make sure the availability of the appropriate youth justice services. And then finally bring all my findings together to produce a clear and comprehensive conclusion; which I believe has many strengths and some weaknesses. The Labour governments 1997 White paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales is a document which sets out labours programme of reform for the youth justice system in England and Wales, it aims are a clear strategy to prevent offending and re-offending, that offenders, and their parents, face up to their offending behaviour and take responsibility for it, earlier, more effective intervention when young people first offend, faster, more efficient procedures from arrest to sentence, partnership between all youth justice agencies to deliver a better, faster system Home Office (1997). According to the Home Office (1997) the aim of the youth justice system is to prevent offending by young people. And the Crime and Disorder Bill has in it a requirement that it is the duty of all people working in the youth justice system to uphold these. The requirement covers all the youth justice agencies in England and Wales like the police, social services the probation services and others working in the Youth Offending Teams, the Crown prosecution service, defence solicitors, the prison services and courts and the way they deal with young adults. The claim is that this will provide unity between them all and that everyone is striving for the same purpose. The government will also complement this with a new proposal for a new Youth Justice Board for England and Wales who will give advice on how to set standards and how to monitor performance. Also this will not take over or supersede practitioners previous roles, but will support them to understand their actions and choices when they deal with young people this can help to stop offending and can prevent avoidable delays; such as the chances of offending when awaiting sentence can be reduced, also making young people responsible for their own behaviours which can help youths understand and change their behaviours. Also community and custodial penalties whose priorities are on the causes of offending which can be enforced can help. This duty that has been stated is a clear strength bringing the various agencies and services in the same line and having one clear aim of what the task ahead is this also eliminates any confusion that might have existed. The government according to the Home Office (1997) proposes that an aim of youth justice system and the duty discussed previously and their practitioners would be supported by more complete, non statutory objectives for these agencies. These would support the proposals made by Jack Straws Youth Justice Task Force which is a variety of people and groups that have a high knowledge of the system and have now issues of victims and representatives of the governmental departments. The Task Force stated their recommendations for preventing offending which were, a speedy administration of justice so that the accused matter can be sorted out quickly, confronting offenders with the consequences of their actions, for themselves their families, victims and their communities. Punishment which reflects the seriousness and the persistence of the offending. Also to support reparation to victims by the offenders and to strengthen the responsibilities of parents and to help offenders to fix their problems and to build a sense of the personal self. This is also strength as all involved have a good knowledge of the problems and the system and would be a good resource to the system to have. And also what the Task Force has recommended is also a good step forward as it is these that have stopped the system from being efficient. Moving onto the abolition of the doli incapax the reparation order and parenting order. The doli incapax according to Muncie (2009:275) In England and Wales, children fewer than 10 could not be found guilty of a criminal offence, and the law for many years believed that those under 14 were incapable of criminal intent. But during the 1990s the doli incapax, which had been in the law since the 14th century, was being challenged by both the right and the left. This was due to the Bulger case, the policy was put under review by the conservatives after the 1994 High Court ruling. Three years later it was abolished in the Crime and Disorder Act, the reasons given for this were so that they could convict young offenders who wreaked havoc on communities this was based on the fact that they believed that 10 and 13 year olds could capable of knowing between right and wrong. This was against what the UN had recommended for The UK which they had made in 1995 then 2002 to come in line with the rest of Europe but the government went totally in the other direction. They gave no direction to the courts and to the youth offending teams that overall child welfare is the main consideration. This is a weakness as it contradicts what Labour had said in there White Paper, and the fact that the YOTs would be confused with conflicting policies. This legislation manages not to take the childs age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe are the children in the UK not the same. The reparation order is for young adults to understand the cost of their actions and to take responsibility for them. What is asked is that they repair the damage caused directly to the victim through mediation if they both agree or to the community indirectly cleaning up graffiti and other tasks around the community. This would be managed by the YOT, this can be a real strength in the rehabilitation process giving something back to the victims and the community and being able to see the damage they have caused helping to change their lives around. Also the parenting order which has been stated by the Home Office (1997) to be created so that it can give support to parents so they can control their children. The order requires parents attend a counselling or guidance session once a week for 3 months and if the courts think that it is needed then a requirement to make sure that children attend school and to see that they get home on a certain time. This is also a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending. Now moving onto the child safety order, which according to the Home Office (1997) has been developed to safeguard children who are under ten where there is risk that these children will be involved in crime or signs of anti social behaviour can be seen. This could be available to local authorities in the family proceeding court. A court would be able to make a child stay at home at a certain time or ban them from going to certain places. They could also stop certain behaviours like truanting; this could also be combined with a parenting order. And if these are not obeyed then the local authority can start proceedings. The strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then there is the Local child curfew which is for the Childs own good and to stop neighbourhood crime and disorder and states that children should not be out without supervision at night. This can be used by the local authorities and police but they would have to get permission from the Home secretary. Also the council could then bar children under 10 from certain public places after certain times. These can last for up to 90 days and if these are to be extended then police and local community. The strength of this is that it involves the local community so determining whats best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the Home Office (1997) has replaced the cautioning with a statuary police reprimand, what happens is that the police can decide to reprimand a child and give them a final warning or to bring criminal charges to the offender. What then happens is a community intervention programme is forced which makes the offender and his family address the causes this behaviour which can help solve the problem. What the final warning entails is that the first offence the offender can receive a reprimand by the police if the crime is not that serious and if it carries on then a another final warning or criminal charges can be pressed. But on no grounds must 2 final warnings be given. The strength of this is that it lets the offender know that they will be strict and will not put up with it again a final warning is a final warning. Also an action plan order which is like a community penalty for young offenders, this is a small, rigorous programme where community intervention is used combined with punishment and rehabilitation so that the offenders behaviour can be changed and more crime can be stopped. The strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Moving onto and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. The Home office (1997) state that the government should have undeniable powers to remand to secure accommodation. For young people who are of the age 10-16 and are awaiting trial. And so The Criminal Justice Act 1991 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 included in its provisions to amend the Children and Young Persons Act 1969 which was to allow courts to remand 12-16 years olds directly to secure local authority accommodation with certain conditions. But this was not put into operation. The conservatives had started a building programme which was for 170 new local authority secure places, there completion date was 1998. But Labour said that these would be not enough. And so declared to use the Crime and Disorder Bill to implement court ordered remand power on some groups of youths. Priority would be gives to 12-14s then girls of the age 15 and 16 and also boys of that age when places become available. This is due to courts believing that these children are vulnerable and they are emotionally and physically immature and so there is a danger that they could harm themselves, this is also strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels. Also detention and training orders, these will give powers the Home Office (1997) states can be used for 10-17 year olds and courts can use these only if it is a very serious crime and if they are persistent offenders and the court believes it is needed to protect the public. This will also added to 10-11 year olds but would only be permitted by parliament if seen to be needed. The length of the sentence will be divided, half of it will be in custody and half in community supervision and this also could be adjusted if good behaviour is seen. This is a good as it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to further crimes but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. Then Maguire, Morgan and Reiner (2002:560) discuss Labours new youth justice which is the forming of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) and the Youth offending Teams (YOTs); and also what takes place through this legislation is a restructure of non custodial penalties in the youth court. So considering Labours main aim of having a youth justice system which prevents offending by children and young adults, the way labour went about this is to impose order from the centre. There tools to enable this was a catalogue of legislations, also the then Home secretary Jack Straw formed a youth justice task force the aim of this was to keep a tight link with all the other agencies involved with young offenders. Due to the section 41 of the Crime Disorder Act the YJB had turned into a non departmental public body which was then sponsored by the Home Office. The job of the YJB was to monitor the running of the youth justice system and the provision of the youth justice services and also the national standards and establishing the right performance measures. What also the 1998 Act made possible was for the home secretary to give the board more powers which included the YJB becoming the commissioning body of all the placements that are under 18 in a secure facility on remand or have a sentence from the courts. The YJB was also given control over commissioning places including prison services YOTs, secure training centres (STCs) and local authority secure units. This is also strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help. This brings me to managerialism, the reason the YJB and the YOTs were set up in the first place was because according to Muncie (2009:297) investigations from the Public Accounts Committee, Audit commission and the National Audit Office recommended and supported subjugating professional skills independent managerial ideals of what works, which could attach certain resources to credible and successful outcomes and which could initiate responsibility to law and order from a central state to a sequence of semi independent local partnerships which will include privatized bodies and voluntary agencies. Words such as individual need, rehabilitation, reformation, penal purpose and due process are replaced by techniques of classification and actuarialism, risk assessment and resource management changes all the earlier understanding of law and order from understanding motivations of crime to making crime bearable through universal coordination. This is a total difference from earlier ways and managerial system is thought to lower the standard or expectations of what a government can achieve in the youth justice system. This to me is a weakness as it is being run like a business which always has its priorities in cost and reduction, but also I can see strengths to as it can be more efficiently run with professionals running it with the right knowledge. The Act also contained anti social behaviour orders. Muncie (2009:317) explains that they are usually refer to a variety of things such as youths that hang out causing trouble making a nuisance of them and to their neighbours, making noise, vandalising property, littering, and causing graffiti to public property and drunkenness. This has been a priority in England and Wales, the key to New Labour was to strengthen the ability of the criminal justice system so they could treat disorder and the lack of respect but serious crimes too as it was clear that disorder was rising and was affecting neighbourhoods and also that it was a sign of times to come more serious crimes. The police and courts were said to be powerless against the nuisance and the anti social behaviour that was being caused and that this was being mixed in with impunity. Second at the centre was a program and wish not just to reduce crime and disorder, but to encourage a process of civil renewal and civic responsibility. Third the broken windows theory was taken aboard a it was believed that a failure to accept zero tolerance policing of lesser serious offending and signs of disorder could only further destroy already deprived and marginalized communities. The Anti social behaviour order (ASBO) was the flagship of New Labour in their 1998 Crime and Disorder Act. Muncie (2009:318) explains that this is a civil not a criminal order and can be given by the police and local authority to anyone that is over 10 years of age whose behaviour can cause alarm, distress or even harassment. The minimum time an order can last is two years. But if you breach the order it will be treated as a criminal offence and the punishment for this can be up to two years in prison for juveniles and five years for adults. Certain local authorities went even further and started to experiment with Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) which were for even lower levels of behaviours and for lower ages those below for ten years of age. And if they are given an order then they must agree and to take steps to correct their behaviour, the steps will be decided by local youth offending team (YOT) and their parents must also agree on the steps. Initially when the ASBO was introduced it was said that it was for adults that were nuisances to their neighbours, but this statement was later changed and became for young people and areas that high crime rates became the targets of this order. The Home office review, 58% were made on under 18 year olds and a further 16% on those aged between 18 and 21. There are certain steps in this that are positive but to me there are inherent weaknesses to, like to give anti social behaviour order and lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is something t o show off so demoralising it entirely. So to conclude I have found that Labour have a lot of strengths in their Youth Policy but have inherent weaknesses which stem from various contradictions in the policy. The strength that I have found are first of all is the duty that has been put into the legislation, which brings various agencies and services together, which unifies them and sets a main agenda that all must adhere to as it is in the legislation to follow the duty and eliminates any confusion that might have existed, and another strength is to support these by the task force which comprises of professionals and people in the field that can offer the best advice. Also the reparation order is a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending and make them responsible. Then the child safety order, the strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then the local child curfews strength lies in the way it involves the local community so determining whats best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Which brings me to secure remands of 12-16 year olds which is also a strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels, the detention training programme has strength because it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to a life of crime but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. The forming of the YOTs and YJB is strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say, and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help, and managerialism is strength as it can be more efficiently run with professionals in charge. Now I will just conclude my findings of the weaknesses which are; the abolition of the doli incapax to me is a weakness as it manages not to take the childs age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe, are the children in the UK not the same. Another weakness is the ASBO to lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is something to be proud off and to show off so demoralising the order entirely. There are strengths and weaknesses in this policy but I have found the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. Bibliography Home Office, (1997), White Paper, No More Excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales Muncie, J. (2009), Youth and Crime, 3rd edition, London, Sage publications Maguire, M. Morgan, R and Reiner, R. (2002), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, 3rd Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Goldson, B. Muncie, J. (2006), Youth Crime and Justice, London, Sage Publications Baldock, J. Manning, N. and Vickerstaff, S. (2007), Social Policy, 3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Watergate Scandal :: President Richard Nixon

Watergate Burglary Thesis: Governor Willie Starkie surrounded himself with people that were crooked, just like President Richard Nixon. The people who were in charge of getting Nixon elected did what was necessary to get Nixon elected. I. Watergate first break in occurred on May 28, 1972. A. The burglars made and attempt to unscrew a lock. B. The burglars were after trash. II. Watergate's second break in occurred on June 7, 1972. A. The burglars came back and broke into a safe, stealing cash and checks. III. Watergate's third break in occurred on June 18, 1972. A. The burglar’s last visit to the Watergate was to place the bugging devices. B. The burglar’s last visit results in exposure. Watergate Burglary Governor Willie Starkie surrounded himself with people that were crooked, just like President Richard Nixon. The people who were in charge of getting Nixon elected did what was necessary to get Nixon elected. The Watergate is home of the National Democratic Committee. This is where the scandal occurred that would eventually lead to Nixon’s resigning of the Presidency. During the first break in, we do not really know what the burglar’s full intentions were. What we do know is that between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. on May 28, 1972, the burglars had attempted to unscrew a lock on a door that would allow access to the National Democratic Committee office. The burglars never gained access because they got nervous regarding the presence of the security officers. There is some thought that the burglars were after negative information that could be used against Nixon’s opponent (â€Å"5 held in Plot to Bug Democrats’ office† par. 28). On June 7, 1972, the Watergate was broken into for the second time. The break in occurred about 9 p.m. The burglars had reportedly broken into and stolen money and checks out of a safe. The money and checks were supposed to go to the election campaign for the Democratic presidency race (â€Å"5 held in Plot to Bug Democrats’ office† par. 31). Sunday, June 18, 1972, five burglars broke into the Watergate for the third time. Their main mission this time was to bug the office complex. This mission would end in failure because of the tape. A twenty-four year old guard noticed that a door connecting a stairwell with the hotel’s basement garage had been taped so it would not lock. The guard removed the tape from the door. Ten minutes later, the guard came back and found a new piece had been put on the door, and he immediately called the police.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Control pollution Essay

Whether cars should be banned in all town centres is a complicated issue, and one which many people have strong feelings about. There are some reasons why cars should be banned. Firstly, it would reduce pollution greatly, which is especially important since town centres always consist of tall buildings and narrow spaces which often hold the pollution in one spot. Secondly, with less traffic there would be fewer accidents, and hence society would save money because of reduced medical expenses. Finally, with no cars in town centres there would be no need for large, ugly car parks and parking spaces. This would allow more space for buildings, houses, parks and the movement of buses and people, which could enhance a city greatly. However, there are some reasons why cars should not be banned. Firstly, it would make it very difficult for many people to travel to work. Most people would have to use public transport (trains and buses) which may become overcrowded and unable to cope with the additional commuters*. Secondly, many people prefer cars because of the freedom it gives them, so banning cars would not be popular, and hence very difficult to implement* since few politicians would support the idea. Finally, cars are sometimes necessary to travel to parts of a city where public transport does not go. Cars are a more flexible transport, especially for the elderly or sick (or lazy). In my opinion, cars should be restricted from town centres but only during peak hours. It would be impractical and impossible to ban cars completely because they are such an essential part of modern city living, however the problems of pollution and traffic congestion must be reduced. This solution is not perfect but the best we can do, and infact is done already in some major cities like Melborn in Australia.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Feminist View on Society

Feminist views on society; Feminists believe that society is male dominated (patriarchal). Feminists want women and men to have equal rights and powers as there is inequality between the two sexes. They look at society on a macro scale so the ideas are generalised to the whole of society. Feminists also believe that society is based on disagreement and conflict between the sexes as women believe they have been disadvantaged in society.Liberal feminists believe that men and women are becoming more equal in society, and that the inequality between men and women was caused due to sexist laws and the differences in socialisation. They believe that in order abolish feminism people need to be brought up differently and all sexist laws need to be gotten rid of. Marxist feminists believe that women are still unequal in society and that women are there to benefit capitalism by being unpaid housewives. They look on the family in a negative and critical way as they feel this is what caused thei r oppression along with capitalism.As they gave up work to take care of children and had housework responsibilities, thus becoming dependent on their husbands for money and everything else. Marxist feminists believe that in order for there to be equality between the sexes capitalism needs to be abolished and replaced with a communist society. Radical feminists also believe that men and women are still unequal in society and that men benefit more from family life. They believe that they are exploited by men and the patriarchal society. Some radical feminists believe that the solution is separation.Feminism does have some criticism’s for example they tend to overlook the fact that the general position of women in society has changed over time and this can only be explained in terms of economic and political changes in society. They also fail to understand that fundamentally society is unequal in its economic and social structure, and that equal opportunity is a fairly meaningle ss concept as society is divided by class and economic exploitation. Women as well as working class men are at an economic disadvantage.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Path to the Civil War essays

Path to the Civil War essays The Civil War or the American Civil War, which is sometimes referred to as the war between the states, the war of rebellion, or the war for southern independence, is a war that left a big impact in History. Not only did this war take over 600,000 lives, it also ruined property valued at $5 billion dollars. However, this war was an important war for the future, it put an ending to slavery and freed over 4 million black or African American slaves. In 1819, Missouri wanted to join the Union, although in the North, as a slave state. In it, it would make the balance of power in the Congress unequal. Many Northerners were opposed to the idea. Northerners in Congress refused to pass the bill, therefore proposed that Missouri be a slave state, and that no more slaves were to be brought in and all slaves would be free at the age of 25, so Missouri would become a Free State. Southerners were opposed to the idea brought up by Northerners. The Congress was in debate for many months. Henry Clay proposed that Maine enter the Union as a Free State. Also, prohibiting slavery north of the 36- 30-degree latitude, longitude line, and the southern boundary of Missouri. The South agreed since plantations would not be able to thrive further North of that line, many concerned Americans thought that the slavery issue would be resolved. First in 1828, a tariff was passed to help try to protect New England Manufactures. The tariff was as high as 45% to 50% of the original European price. Opponents of the tariff called it the "Tariff of Abomination". Southerners were opposed to the tariff because they exported cotton and other materials to Europe, in exchange European goods were imported to America. Southerners claimed it was an indirect tax on their region of the United States. Southerners began to ask for states right. South Carolina even went as far as to ask for the tariff taken off the books or they would su...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations

3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations By Mark Nichol Sentences that employ the â€Å"not only . . . but also† counterpoint (as in â€Å"I visited not only France but also Spain†) can confound writers, who often fail to apply logical syntax when using this construction. As shown in the examples below, such confusion often occurs in similarly posed statements. Discussion and revision of each sentence explains and illustrates coherent use of related constructions. 1. The idea was not to just construct a new arena, but one that would nod to the roots of the game. Just occupies the same role as only in a â€Å"not only . . . but also† counterpoint, and the principle is the same- when a verb applies to both the â€Å"not only† proposition and the â€Å"but also† proposition, the verb must precede â€Å"not only†: â€Å"The idea was to construct not just a new arena but also one that would nod to the roots of the game.† (Also, note that in this example as well as in the others, internal punctuation is not required to set off the two parts of the sentence.) 2. The above principles are not intended to prescribe specific reporting practices, but rather offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue. Here, as in a â€Å"not only . . . but also† construction of this type, the verb supports both elements of the not/rather counterpoint, so it must precede, not follow, not: â€Å"The above principles are intended not to prescribe specific reporting practices but rather to offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue.† 3. It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is, but rather how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. This sentence does not have a â€Å"not only . . . but also† counterpoint, but it requires a similar construction to make sense. Because simply implies addition, not replacement, also should replace rather, and the second part of the sentence requires a verb equivalent to deciding: â€Å"It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is but also determining how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesDeck the HallsQuiet or Quite?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

SKL 3A1 Business Study Skills Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SKL 3A1 Business Skills - Case Study Example The Report is written by (Your NAME) for the purpose of evaluation of Samsung’s strategy and provide recommendations for further improvement in its strategy. The report is intended to be used by the business Analyst, John Deen for information purposes only. This report is issued on November 16, 2013 and is valid only for the purpose described. 2. Procedures This report is based on secondary research and contains information from books, news articles, online journals and websites. The claims are supported with the sources used. 3. Findings Samsung is no longer a small player in the business environment. Samsung has earned its name in the biggest players of the electronics industry over a period of time. However, the recent boom signals some clear and clever strategic moves by the company. Samsung is competing by providing a wider range of products than its competitors. Samsung is a South Korean multinational corporation with its head office in Seoul. Lee Byun-Chul laid the foun dation of Samsung in 1938 (Peng, 2012). The company moved towards the electronic industry in the late 1960s and after Lee Byung-Chul passed away, the company was divided into groups including CJ Group, Hansol Group, Shinsegae Group and Samsung Group. Samsung group flourished and is still growing its profits steadily since 1990. Despite the success stories of Samsung, the credibility of Samsung’s strategy in the long run is questionable. Is Samsung taking too much risk to avail first-movers advantage or does it have a clearly defined and thoroughly designed strategy for investing in newer technologies to capture, increase and retain its market share? 3.1 Samsung’s Strategy Samsung uses a multidimensional competitive strategy with differentiation and rapid response strategies as the core of its success in the business industry. Samsung is more likely to create and introduce newer technologies and innovative products in minimal possible time. The products of Samsung under different categories are quickly designed and produced with an effective supply chain management to support the success of its products. The company is continuously investing in the unique product offerings (Nisen 2013). 3.2 Response Strategy Samsung has a clearly defined and well thought strategy working underneath the operations that are carried out regularly. Samsung’s note is a living example of how Samsung identifies and accommodates customer’s needs and expectations in its offerings. The Research and Development department of Samsung takes the lead in understanding customer demands and competitors’ current and future acts. The company, in an attempt to deliver differentiation along with a rapid response to the customers’ need for having a drawing and hand-writing feature in their smart phones, merged the characteristics of a phone and a tablet and introduced Samsung Note which was highly applauded and accepted. The R & D department found out the ne ed of Asians to have such a device to support their needs with ease. Samsung is spending a lot on Research and Development area. It has been identified that it is spending 5.7 percent of its revenues on R&D which is 3.3% higher than Apple. This clearly shows Samsung’s aggressive attempt to innovate and avail the first movers’ advantage. 3.3 Differentiation Strategy The distinct product

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The strategic life of Howard Hughes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The strategic life of Howard Hughes - Case Study Example vidual who was ready to risk his equity on creativity and innovations and had noticeable efforts and skills of creating and experimenting new ideas (Frehner & Waldron, 2004). The life of Howard Hughes signifies systematic methods put into use to achieve his personal plans and success. He is a well-known individual who could utilize the available specific resources to achieve short-term goals aiming at a defined mission. In addition, this individual used a unique tactic for accountability in any action taken either by himself or on his behalf. Howard had unsatisfied thirst for knowledge. He utilized hands-on tactic as a management style to inspire and motivate his team (Higham, 2011). The vast tendency to differentiate personal and business life despite common hardships was also another reason behind Howard’s success. He remained devoted and focused on short-term goal achievement with a tactful mission for a long-term goal. Howards personal strategies comprise of several activities utilized to give a competitive advantage in innovation and entrepreneurship. To strengthen his financial stability and competitiveness, Howard Hughes was good in overcoming his weakness and capitalizing on his strengths. In his life as an entrepreneur and a successful businessperson, Howard never compromised on his goals. It is worth noting that as an entrepreneur and individual should understand all the stages and goals needed for success. His life full of struggles proves that never distracted him from achieving personal dreams. Staying focused to the set goals is one of the vital strategies for business performers (Frehner & Waldron, 2004). The strategy of obtaining the best employees is one of Howard’s secrets behind his success. He employed people whom he could trust and have a great treasure in them. The secret behind being hands on is a strategy used by Howard. He was greatly admired by his workers as a perfect team leader who had step-by-step involvement in his projects.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why are you interested in pursuing this graduate program at the McColl Personal Statement

Why are you interested in pursuing this graduate program at the McColl School of Business - Personal Statement Example The degree would equip me the necessary skills to meet my professional goals. As such, the degree from this university becomes highly relevant in providing necessary skills and academic knowledge to become a successful professional in the field business management. Though I have no formal work experience but my four months’ training in a bank has made me realize the importance of acquiring professional qualifications in the business management. It will prepare me to face the challenges ahead of me in terms of new experiences and teach me to think strategically. I believe that it would help develop wider perspectives on relevant issues so that I could critically evaluate situations and resolve issues amicably. It would be especially relevant in the multicultural society where diverse ideologies could foster conflicts. Most importantly, the integrated business program would help me to work with confidence in global business with a global network of contacts and teach me how to collaborate as a team to meet the organizational objectives. The various modules of the course curricula are essential ingredients that provide students with a strong learning experience. I believe that the degree would hugely facilitate in meeting new challenges an d therefore significantly increase my job prospects. I have always been a highly self-driven person. I am also ambitious and would like to reach the highest level of professional excellence, both in terms of gaining knowledge and experience. The contemporary times necessitate versatility in the work ideology and functioning, thus making it vital that new skills and strategies are evolved to meet the emergent challenges with high efficiency and expertise. The new drifts in the professional areas have considerably impacted the socio-economic dynamics of the business. It has made work paradigms more competitive and at the same time more complex with the challenges of the diverse demands that have developed as a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Summary of American Idols Target Market

Summary of American Idols Target Market PRODUCT American idol is a popularity contest and a talent contest searching for a superstar on FOX Network realty show where in a weekly base contestants get to show their ability of singing and choose the right contestants to go through the 3 stages of the program. The first stage is when contestants from a series of nation-wide in different countries get to show their ability of singing and directly they either get accepted or rejected. The second stage after the contestants have been chosen, the shows judges provide feedback to the contestant about his performance and style. At the end of the show, audience members vote for their favorite performer. Because Americans votes determine who leaves the show each week, this audience participation which makes them feel that they are a part of the show had resulted in a product popularity in the 18 to 49 years old age. The program itself is heavily depending on the audience; actually its all about getting to communicate with the audience through word of mouth. 0.Audiences feel that their vote matters and enjoy influencing the outcome of the show. 1.Its like putting the customer at the heart of the product development, choosing what the customer want and what the customer like avoiding any risk of failing and gain popularity. 0.0This is by giving an opportunity for the records label to test whether the artists have a public appeal to succeed without the need to invest. Secondly, they actually make money because they charge people to cast their votes plus, profit from sponsorship of the TV broadcast. The idea is appealing to the audience where they make their vote of choosing their favorite contestant, vote for him through telephone and SMS text all the way till the end of the show and becoming a big fan of them. What determine American idols popularity is that it had a continues of 8 seasons and opening the 9th season now. Americas past winners were2Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin sparks, David cook, Kris Allen. Its popularity wasnt only in America but as a worldwide as in the Middle East. Its popularity had reached the Arab world where even Arabs watch it. Me as a watcher of American idol, i do watch this program in a regular base even the monthly aired one after the season finale because its entertaining and its not only about a talent show, but also a mixture of a humor show. This proves that marketers have worked hard to maintain the program world popularity of reality television and a well known house hold name. Marketers of American Idol had also promoted the show successfully by the sense of sight of the logo and hearing of the music show. This is by designing American idols logo insuring simplicity and easy to memorize where th e colors are blue and white simply saying American Idol. The white color represents perfection, the color of contemporary and the blue defines intelligence and dignity. The music during the starting of the show is really attractive and a trademark that represent American idol show. As for example of me, when im not physically watching TV and suddenly hear the music i immediately know that American idol is on TV. The question then comes, what are the decisions facing American idol marketers? Marketers have to maintain American idols popularity in new and innovate ways, maintain the success of the show and promote the show to attract as much audience to get as much votes and make the use of the marketing mix. The factors important in understanding the decision situation are the amount of ratings increasing and declining. Marketers have to plan and think in how to make the show much more entertaining and fun and maintain creativity in every season to draw in more watchers and make them loyal viewers to the show. Marketers must take into consideration in defining potential winners, feed those that look like winners and starve for those that dont. As mentioned earlier, the product is heavily depending on the audience votes to insure a continues success. In this case, the strategy of extension can be implemented. This is by increasing the bracket of watchers of a younger generation allowing them t o apply to the show and attract teenagers who are under 18 years old of age to watch the show and vote for their favorite contestant. Win the younger generation hearts by telling stories of the contestant to attract the hearts of the watchers. These stories will help the contestant to stand out of their local audience and showing what they are good at. The part where we tell stories of the contestant can be viewed and aired in another day of a week for an hour where the contestant can show their other abilities for example dancing, their humor side of their personality etc. This will help to attract the viewer more to love the contestant. PLACE As mentioned earlier, American idols target audience are 18-49 years of age. This means that the timing where the show takes place is an appropriate timing for these ages whereby American Idol is aired on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the evening where its time to relax after having a long day at work. The timing and the week days where American idol is aired on is an important line to success where marketers make the product a part of the target audience life. These days where chosen as they are almost the end of the week and before the weekend starts where people had already got back home from their work and schools and want to relax infront of the TV watching American Idol on FOX TV. American Idol can be a family show where almost all ages can watch this show and have a relaxing time with children listening to music and having a gathering funny moment together. This had led American Idol a routine show and a must watch every Tuesday and Wednesday where the show became a part of the audiences life. Marketers must take into consideration that target audience mood, interests, culture and technology may change overtime where TV will not be the first best media. Decisions must be made to reach their target audiences. So, marketers have to keep making decision in how to make the consumer engaged to their product. This is an important factor to marketers to develop the products technology and insure creativity to satisfy their audiences wants. As mentioned earlier of increasing the bracket of watchers of a younger age, marketers must plan for a new strategy of a new product placement. This is because teenagers today are mostly spending their full time online. So marketers in order to reach their new bracket segment they must insure a new product placement. 6. As an IMC, product placement can be used to push and position a brand into the public eye making consumer want more of it. For example: American Idol is a TV show where they use the medium of Television. Today, internet had been the most popular media between ages 15- 50. So, American Idol must reach their target audience through internet by watching their program through the internet, live shows on their official website, downloading videos from Youtube, blogs, myspace pages, chat zones, fan pages, facebook pages and videos where today facebook is taking away large scale of age groups. 0.There is also a possibility where audiences will watch American idol video on th eir iPod, downloading ringtones and mobile trivia games and mobile platforms. The idea here is marketers must reach their target audience depending where their interests heading to. This is a good strategy to invest potential and new viewers at once.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sappho And St. Teresa De Avila :: essays research papers

Day by day women are faced with obstacles simply because of gender. In the plays we have read women are faced with obstacles but overcome them. Women in the past were expected to be submissive and not object to the men’s decisions. The world today has changed its face. No longer are women quiet. Sappho and her work is a good example in our readings to represent today’s day and time. Her poems seem contemporary, very modern. The Descent of Inanna ,on the other hand, is a prime example of works we’ve read that represent the past much more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I strongly believe that each generation is a product of the previous generation, and during the Ancient World, women were not expected to write. They were submissive and their religious superior had the final say. Sappho broke these rules and went against the odds. She wrote and produced wonderful work that everyone can relate to during any time period. Although religious leaders successfully destroyed a great amount of her work, the few parts and pieces that survived still describe things of today in such short lines and phrases. “At noontime'; is a good example of this. It describes the sun and its’ heat and the cricket which till today “sets up a high-pitched singing in his wings.'; “If you will come'; is another example. “At noontime'; is simple to say it relates to today’s world, the sun will always be hot the cricket will always live, but the customs and traditions of people do and Sappho still describes customs from her t ime that live today. “If you will come'; tells of things that generally a person would do for visitors. It says, “ If you will come I shall put out new pillows for you to rest on.'; In just these few lines so much is said. This can be taken as literally taking our new pillows for a visitor to sleep on and rest after a long drive to your home. It may also mean that the host is making the visitor feel at home by welcoming him with open arms. Nevertheless, this poem describes customs that a person would do now. For these reasons Sappho’s works are the most modern in our readings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Descent of Inanna is quite the opposite of Sappho. It describes Inanna going into the “underworld'; a place that we do not relate to as easily as a worldly location.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lope de Vega

Lope de Vega (full name Felix Arturo Lope de Vega y Carpio) was well known throughout the world as The Phoenix of Spain. He lived his life to become one of the most important playwrights and poets of the Spanish Golden Century Baroque. Born in Madrid on November 25th 1562, he started showing his enormous talent for writing at an early age. During his lifetime he wrote over 1800 comedia pieces and hundreds shorter dramatic pieces of which around 500 were published. Lope de Vega transformed the Spanish theatre and took it to its greater limits.He died on August 27th 1635 and to this day his work remains popular all over the world. At the age of five, Lope was already showing signs of a genius in the making. He was reading and speaking fluent Spanish and Latin and by the age of 12 he had written his first play. Today, over 80 of his plays are considered masterpieces. When Lope was fourteen, he was enrolled in a Jesuit school in Madrid and studied at the University of Alcala. After his g raduation he wanted to follow the footsteps of his patron, Bishop of Avila and become a priest, but his love for women was too great and he realized that the life of celibacy was not his style.In 1583 he joined the military and was a part of the Spanish Navy. After his return to Madrid, Lope officially began his life as a playwright. Here he fell in love with a daughter of a theatre owner, Elena Osorio. She soon left him for another man and Lope started a vitriolic attack on her and her family. Because of this, he got thrown into jail, and soon after was banished from the court for eight years and two years from Castile. In the company of a 16-year-old Isabel de Urbina he went into exile. De Vega was forced to marry her after this.After being married for only a few weeks, Lope went back to serving his country with the Navy. In 1588 the Invincible Armada sailed against England and Lope’s ship was one of the few that returned unharmed. Upon his return he settled in Valencia wor king as a dramatist. In 1950 he served as the secretary of the Duke of Alba, and because of this he relocated to Toledo. Five years later Isabel died, and since his eight years of banishment have passed, he left Toledo and moved back to Madrid. Here he found more love affairs and more scandals.He also had four children with Micaela de Lujan. Micaela was his inspiration for a rich series of sonnets. In 1594 he wrote a well-known play called El maestro de danzar, otherwise known as The Dancing Master. Yet in 1598 he married yet again, a daughter of a very wealthy butcher. Still his affairs with other women and Micaela continued. In this year he wrote La Arcadia, a pastoral romance which to this day is one of the poet’s most wearisome productions. Also, he wrote La Dragontea, a history in verse of Sir Francis Drake’s last expedition and death.A year later he wrote a narrative life of Saint Isidore , the patron saint of Madrid, composed in octosyllabolic quintillas, called El Isidro. In 1580s and 1590s his moorish and pastoral themed poems were extremely popular, partly because they were a reflection of Lope’s own affairs and the characters has a lot in common with Lope and his life at the time, his numerous love affairs. In 1602 alone he published two hundred sonnets and in 1604 he republished them with new material in his Rimas. In the 17th century Lope de Vega’s literary output reached his peak. He wrote La La Hermosura de Angelica, a set of three books, in 1602.He was truly one of the greatest poets of his time. After that decade however, lopes life took a turn for the worse. Lope lost his son, his wife and at this point Micaela disappears as well. He gathered all of his children and moved them under the same roof. His writing in the early 1600’s was full of heavier religious influences and finally, in 1614 he joined the priesthood. In 1614 his religious sonnets were published in a book called Rimas sacras, which once again b ecame a bestseller. In 1627 he wrote the first Spanish opera titled La selva sin amor or The Lovelorn Forest.Even though he was now a priest, he still continued to have affairs with many women. During this time one of his most notable and long relationships was with Martha de Nevared, who he stayed with until her death in 1632. In 1934 he published a third book Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tome de Burguillos which was considered his masterpiece and the most modern poem book of the 17th century. In 1635, tragedy struck again when lope lost another son and his youngest daughter was abducted off the coast of Venezuela. Lope de Vega was infected with scarlet fever and died later that year, in Madrid, on August 27th.In his life’s work, Lope de Vega broke the neoclassical three unities (place, time and action). He showed that he knew the established rules of poetry, but excused himself from them stating that a â€Å"vulgar† Spaniard cares nothing about them. He wro te so his readers could easily relate and understand him, he stood as a defender of the common language of ordinary life. Unfortunately, the books he read, his literary connections, and his fear of Italian criticism all exercised an influence upon his naturally robust spirit and, like so many others he caught the prevalent contagion of mannerism and of pompous phraseology.Lope’s own records indicate that by 1604 he had composed, in round numbers, as many as 230 three-act plays, comedias. This figure rose to 1500 by 1632. Montalban, in Fama Postuma (1636) make a total of 1800 comedias and more than 400 shorter sacramental plays. Many of these pieces were printed during Lope’s lifetime. It is hard to categorize Lope’s work since it was of great variety. Nevertheless, his most celebrated plays belong to the lass called capa y espada or â€Å"cloak and dagger†, where the plots are love intrigues complicated with affairs of honor, most commonly involving the p etty nobility of medieval Spain.Some of the best known works of this class are El perro del hortelano (The Dog in the Manger), La viuda de Valencia (The Widow from Valencia), and El maestro de danzar. In some of these Lope strives to set forth some moral maxim and to illustrate its abuse by a living example. Lope found a poorly organized drama. Plays were composed sometimes in three, or even four acts. Though they were written in verse, the structure of the versification was left far too much to the caprice of the individual writer. Because the Spanish public liked it, he adopted the style of drama then in vogue.Its narrow framework, however, he enlarged to an extraordinary degree, introducing everything that could possibly furnish material for dramatic situations: the Bible, ancient mythology, the lives of the saints, ancient history, Spanish history, the legends of the Middle Ages, the writings of the Italian novelists, current events, and everyday Spanish life in the 17th century . Prior to him, playwrights barely sketched the conditions of persons and their characters; with fuller observation and more careful description, Lope de Vega created real types and gave to each social order the language and accoutrements appropriate to it.